
- 1. Panaeolina foenisecii (Pers. ex Fr.) R. Maire
- Documented Locations: Campbelltown, an eastern suburb of Adelaide,
South Australia, Pemberton, Western Australia; Sydney, New South Wales,
and now identified from Blackbutt, Queensland. According to Dr. Gastón
Guzmán, "this species is probably not hallucinogenic" (see Allen &
Merlin 1992c). This has also been confirmed by Stijve (l989, Pers.
Comm.), Watling (l989, Pers. Comm.), and Young (l989, Pers. Comm.). It
is a common lawn inhabiting species with a cosmopolitan distribution. In
New Zealand, P. foenisecii has a cosmopolitan distribution in
pasture land (see Allen & Merlin 1992c).
- 2. Panaeolus antillarum (Fr.) Dennis
- Documented Locations: Northern Rivers of New South Wales around
Murwillumbah, Eudlo, Queensland; from Victoria, New South Wales, and
South Australia. This dung inhabiting species which some authors have
mentioned as containing psilocybine does not. However, it does resemble
some species of Copelandia and has been known to fruit from the same
manure heap as Copelandia sp. It is also the infamous "hysteria fungus"
which was reported as a toxic fungi but is not really
- 3. Psilocybe collybioides Singer & Smith
- Documented Locations: Queensland; Hobart, Tasmania. Although it is
mentioned as occurring in Australia and Tasmania, this species only
occurs in Argentina where it appears gregariously on humus or small
sticks or leaves and debris on soil. The identification of this species
in Australia seems to be inexact. It is possible that this species is
similar to or may be one of the three new identified species
Psilocybe australiana, Psilocybe eucalypta or Psilocybe
- 4. Psilocybe coprophila (Bull. ex Fr.) Kummer
- Documented Locations: Throughout pastures in Australia, appearing
infrequently in the dung of horses and cattle. This species is
cosmopolitan in its distribution but does not contained any psilocybin,
However, it is suspected that it most likely did contain some kind of
toxic substance. In New Zealand, a species which may be P.
coprophila occurs abundantly in association with rotting Macrocarpa
tree stumps and woodpiles at the pony club adjacent to Frankley Road
School, New Plymouth. According to Dr. Karl L. R. Jansen, the mushroom
which occurs at this site is definitely hallucinogenic (Jansen l989,
Pers. Comm.).
- 1. Amanita muscaria (L. ex Fr.) Hooker
- Documented Locations: This species is common in Australia and in New
Zealand it is largely confined to stands of pine trees.
- 2. Copelandia cyanescens (Berk. & Br.) Singer
- Documented Locations: Darwin, Northern Territory, New South Wales,
Brisbane, Qld; Coffs Harbour and Sydney, New South Wales, Tasmania; and
Auckland, New Zealand. This species has a cosmopolitan distribution and
occurs in the tropics and neotropics of both hemispheres. This species
has 11 binomials (excluding Copelandia anomalus. Common in the
dung of cows, water buffalo and sometimes horses. In New Zealand, this
species is mainly found on the west coast of the North Island in the New
Plymouth area especially in the paddocks near the airport and in the
dunes at Khomenii Beach. Also at Whatipu beach near Auckland and some
west coast beaches near Wellington (Otaki and Foxton). They tend to
occur in the lupin covered zone between pasture and sand. The New
Plymouth lupins have recently been decimated by disease and the effect
upon fungal growth has yet to be determined.
- 3. Gymnopilus spectabilis (Fr.) Smith (=G. junonius (Fr.)
- Documented Locations: Victoria; Australia. Because this species is
very bitter and has a most foul and acrid taste, and requires an alleged
dosage of at least 4 to 8 fresh ounces (112-224 gm) of mushrooms for its
desired psychotropic effects, it is unlikely that this species is
collected in Australia. This species can be found fruiting on dead tree
stumps. According to several mycologists, this Australian species is
probably Subs. G. pampeanus but recent classification now
describes this species as G. junonius and is widespread, at least
in NSW, Qld, SA, and Victoria. According to some experts, this species
is not psychoactive and various other species of psychoactive Gymnopilus
may have been misidentified as G. spectabilis. See next entry on
Gymnopilus purpuratus.
- 4. Gymnopilus Purpuratus (Cooke & Masse) Singer
- Documented Locations: Port Lincoln and Big Swamp, South Australia;
Victoria, and Western Australia. This species was first identified from
Australia by mycologist John Burton Cleland as Flammula Purpurata
(derived from the Latin Purpuratus, clad in purple). Cleland described
this species as being found on fallen trunks of wood. Gymnopilus
purpuratus is an agaric identified from the austral floral zone and
was first collected in Chile. This species blues easily, taste very
bitter and is probably hallucinogenic. 1992 chemical analysis of
collections from Germany by Dr. Jochen Gartz of the University of
Leipzig and others have demonstrated high levels of psilocin and low
levels of baeocystin. Dr. Gartz reported that "since 1983, this species
has been observed on heaps of pig dung and woodchips in the district
Rostock, Northern G. D. R. (East Germany). It seems that this species
was introduced (into Germany) with grain from Argentina used for pig
forage." Gartz also noted that this species stains blue when handled and
was found to be exempt of other tryptamines, muscarine, and urea.
Recently, this species was reported by Australian mycologists Shepherd
and Totterdell (1990) as gregarious on rotted wood.
- 5. Panaeolus subbalteatus (Berk. & Br.) Sacc.
- Documented Locations: Throughout Australia. In 1973, Shepherd and
Hall reported that Panaeolus papilionaceus (which is also
psilocybian) occurred in South Australia, Victoria, and Queensland, and
noted that Panaeolus subbalteatus was collected in New South
Wales. According to one mycologist, the presence of P.
papilionaceus in Australia has not been confirmed. This species has
a cosmopolitan distribution, appearing infrequently in both the northern
and southern hemispheres. It is common in the dung of cattle; also
fruiting abundantly in composting and rotting hay, haystacks, stable
shavings at race tracks and riding stables, and is sometimes known to
occur in lawns.
- 6. Psilocybe aucklandii Guzmán, King & Bandala.
- Documented Locations: In New Zealand, 25 km north of Auckland, Wood
Hill State Park. Gregarious on brown clay soil partially covered with
pine needles of Pinus radiata D. Don, in a mixed pine and dicotyledonous
native tree forest.
- 7. Psilocybe australiana Guzmán & Watling
- Documented Locations: New South Wales: near Canberra, Cotterdam,
Blue Mountains west of Sydney; Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve; near Sydney,
Mt. Wilson. Gregarious on soil with wood or leafy debris, on tracks and
roadsides, in Pinus radiata plantations, or in temperate rain forests.
Known only from around New South Wales in Australia. In New Zealand, 20
km West of Auckland near Oratia. Fruits in April. This species is very
similar to P. cyanescens Wakefield.
- 8. Psilocybe cubensis (Earle)
- Documented Locations: Springbrook at 2000 feet elevation. River
Brisbane at Indooroopilly, Brisbane, Carboolture, Beechmont, Queensland;
and Hobart, Tasmania. Gregarious, rarely solitary or scattered, on cow
dung, sometimes on rich pasture soils. Although some recreational users
(l989-l989, Pers. Comm.) have reported picking this species in New
Zealand, this finding has not been confirmed by others and neither the
present author or his colleague Dr. Karl L. R. Jansen nor the DSIR
mycology section have ever found P. cubensis growing in New
- 9. Psilocybe eucalypta Guzmán & Watling
- Documented Locations: New South Wales: Near Canberra, Tidbinbilla
Nature Reserve; near Queanbeyan, Talaganda Forest Reserve; near Sydney,
Mt. Wilson. In New Zealand, Northwest of New Plymouth. Solitary on soil
or in small groups amongst grassy woody debris, or among mosses in
shallow groves of Eucalyptus forests. Fruits in April. This species is
similar to P. cyanescens Wakefield.
- 10. Psilocybe kumaenorum Heim
- Documented Locations: New Guinea. While this species is known only
from New Guinea, However it is very possible that it could occur in
Australia. Gregarious on soil, in small groups, in open places among
- 11. Psilocybe makarorae Johnston & Buchanan
- Documented Locations: New Zealand at Otago Lakes: Haast Pass, vic.
Makarora, Blue Pools Track on rotten Nothofagus wood. Also found at Bay
Of Plenty: vic. Rotorua, Mt. Ngongotaha on fallen wood; Westland: Franz
Josef Glacier moraine on fallen twigs; at Peter's Pool Track on litter
and in Dunedin: vic. Dunedin City, Woodside Glen picnic ground on
rotting Wood.
- 12. Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr. ex Secr.) Kummer
- Documented Locations: Australia; Mt. Field National Park, Tasmania.
This mushroom was first reported from Australia in 1892. It was next
reported from New South Wales in 1895. In l974, it was documented from
Victoria, and that same year, specimens were collected in Tasmania.
Although this species is very common, well known, and much prized by
recreational mushroom enthusiast throughout Europe, Scandinavia, Great
Britain, Canada; the Pacific Northwest region of the United States and
South America, no reports of its suspected use as a recreational drug in
Australia existed until only recently. It is very probable though that
this species is known and used by members of the drug subculture in
Australia, however, no published reports exist which indicate that this
species has ever been confiscated by narcotic officers on the continent
or its suspected use been brought to their attention. Very scattered to
gregarious on rich soil, among grass in pastures and meadows. Single but
very rarely caespitose. Frequently abundant around clumps of tall grass.
Lawns, parks and playgrounds. In New Zealand, this species appears
largely confined to the south of Cook Island, in particular the Otago
Peninsula and Mount Cook in soil in high-altitude grasslands and has
been observed in Mackenzie: vic. Mt. Cook, Otago Lakes and in the
vicinity of Queenstown. Has been used recreationally since the early
l980's. There is a specimen in the DSIR collection which was found on a
suburban lawn in Auckland; also collected Southeast of Wakefield,
Inangahua Junction.
- 13. Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland
- Documented Locations: Cleland (1927) first reported this species
from South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria. Other reported
locations include: Adelaide, Adelaide Hills, Mt. Lofty, South Australia;
Australian Capitol Territory; National Park, Belair, Mt. Field National
Park, Tasmania. On pathway to Russell Falls. Fruiting on horse dung
during the summer (April-August) months. Solitary to gregarious, on rich
soil among grass or horse dung, or on decaying leaves and twigs, mainly
in deeply shaded places. Johnston and In 1995, this species was reported
from New Zealand at Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki,
Wanganui, Nelson, Buller, Southland as being common on small pieces of
buried wood on rough coastal farmlands and pastures and especially on
sandy soil, and in gardens, especially on mulches of Pinus radiata bark.
The presence of psilocybine in this species in Australia was detected in
1970 and three years later, Dr. Malcomb Hall reported its use as a
recreational drug.
- 14. Psilocybe subcubensis Guzmán
- Documented Locations: Throughout Australia. Appearing abundantly
after heavy rains in Queensland, Breban, and near Loboutluse. This
species is only distinguishable from Psilocybe cubensis by the
size of its spores. Scattered on cow dung, more rare in rich soil, in
grassy places (pastures). It is a pantropical and subtropical species.
Fruiting in summer but also in other seasons.
- 15. Psilocybe tasmaniana Guzmán & Watling
- Documented Locations: New South Wales; near Canberra, Tidbinbilla
Nature Reserve. Tasmania: NE of Hobart, Nugent, Buckland, Mt. Field
National Park. Solitary or in small groups on dung, or at least on
debris (wood and leaves), intermixed with dung (sometimes kangaroo).
Fruits in April and May. This species was also collected from Mt. Field
National Park (in grassy area under trees with P. semilanceata.
This species is closely related to P. subaeruginosa, but is
somewhat similar to P. cyanescens. This species has also been
collected in the New Plymouth area of New Zealand.
- 16. Unidentified Species
- Documented Locations: Unidentified species have been collected from
the Waitakere Ranges, growing in native forest near Auckland, and on the
west coast of the South Island. Dr. Karl L. R. Jansen (l989, Pers.
Comm.) reports that there are at least 5 unidentified species from New
Zealand which are considered psychoactive. In 1981 there was a report of
an unidentified bluing Psilocybe sp.,. with affinities to the North
American species Psilocybe caerulipes from New Zealand. And
finally, Psilocybe cyanescens Wakefield is reported from
Australia by Margot and Watling (1981) and by Guzmán
- In Most States
- Psilocybe cyanescens Wakefield.
- Psilocybe cubensis (Earle) Singer.
- Australian Capital Territory
- Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland.
- New South Wales
- Psilocybe aucklandii Guzmán, King & Bandala.
- Psilocybe australiana Guzmán & Watling.
- Psilocybe eucalypta Guzmán & Watling.
- Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.:Secr.) P. Kumm.
- Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland
- Psilocybe tasmaniana Guzmán & Watling.
- Panaeolus subbalteatus (Bk. & Br.) Sacc.
- Copelandia cyanescens (Bk. & Br.) Singer.
- Gymnopilus Junonius (Fr.) Orton= syn.
- Gymnopilus spectabilis (Fr.).
- Northern Territory
- Copelandia cyanescens (Bk. & Br.) Singer.
- Queensland
- Psilocybe cubensis (Earle) Singer.
- Psilocybe subcubensis Guzmán.
- Copelandia cyanescens (Bk. & Br.) Singer
- [=Panaeolus cyanescens (Bk. & Br.) Sacc.].
- Gymnopilus Junonius (Fr.) Orton= syn.
- Gymnopilus spectabilis (Fr.) A. H. Sm.
- South Australia
- Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland.
- Copelandia cyanescens (Bk. & Br.) Singer
- Gymnopilus Junonius (Fr.) Orton=syn.
- Gymnopilus spectabilis (Fr.) A. H. Sm.
- Gymnopilus purpuratus (Cooke & Masse) Singer.
- Victoria
- Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.:Secr.) P. Kumm.
- Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland.
- Panaeolus ater (Lange) Kuhner & Romagnesi ex Bon.
- Gymnopilus purpuratus (Cooke & Masse) Singer.
- Western Australia
- Gymnopilus purpuratus (Cooke & Masse) Singer.
- Psilocybe australiana Guzmán & Watling .
- Psilocybe cubensis (Earle) Singer.
- Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.:Secr.) P. Kumm.
- Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland.
- Psilocybe tasmaniana Guzmán & Watling
- Copelandia cyanescens (Bk. & Br.) Singer
- Auckland
- Psilocybe aucklandii Guzmán, King & Bandala.
- Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.:Secr.) P. Kumm.
- Copelandia cyanescens (Bk. & Br.) Singer.
- North Island
- Psilocybe aucklandii Guzmán, King & Bandala
- Psilocybe australiana Guzmán & Watling.
- Psilocybe eucalypta Guzmán & Watling
- Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland.
- Psilocybe tasmaniana Guzmán & Watling.
- South Island
- Psilocybe makarorae Johnston & Buchanan.
- Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.:Secr) P. Kumm.
- Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author of this guide
expresses his gratitude to the following for their contribution to this
paper: Dr. R. V. Southcott for providing case histories from Australia,
and for supplying photographs of P. subaeruginosa; Dr. A. E. Stocks
of the Brisbane Clinic; Dr. Malcolm C. Hall, General Manager of Vision
Systems, Adelaide; Julie Shepherd of the National Library of Australia,
Canberra, A.C.T.; Elizabeth Duncan, Secretary to the Editor of the Sunday
Telegraph, Sydney; Crispin Hull, Editor of the Canberra Times, A.C.T.; The
Librarian of the Biomedical Library, University of New South Wales; Field
Naturalist Club of Victoria, South Australia; The Flora and Fauna of South
Australian Handbooks Committee; Rob Hincksman of the Australian Government
Publishing Service; J.A. Pitt, New South Wales Government, Department of
Agriculture; Gretina Norton, Administrative Assistant of the Medical
Journal of Australia; Eric J. Curtis, Laiason Officer of the Australian
Federal Police in Honolulu; Dr. Peter Buchanan and Dr. Peter Johnson of
the Auckland D.S.I.R.; Detective Sergeant John Dearing of the Auckland
Drug Squad. A specieal note of appreciation to Chris King of the
University of Auckland for the use of his photographs of Psilocybe
aucklandii, Psilocybe australiana and one unidentified species
from New Zealand. The author also expresses his gratitude to Dr. Gaston
Guzmán of the Instituto De Ecologia, A.C., Mexico, D.-F., and A. M. Young
of Australia for their valuable assistance in reviewing the identification
of species section; Dr. Mark D. Merlin of the University of Hawaii for his
time and help in reviewing and editing this booklet for publication; Dr.
Karl L. R. Jansen for editing and providing the section on New Zealand,
who along with Dr. Rick Strassman of the University of New Mexico, Dr.
Stanley Krippner of the Saybrook Institute and Dr. William Emboden of the
California State University at Northridge reviewed the final manuscript;
and a special note of gratitude to Dr. Roy Watling of the Royal Botanic
Society of Edinburgh, Scotland, for his time and consideration in
reviewing this manuscript prior to publication.
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Last Modified - Sun, Oct
29, 2000 |
1999 John W. Allen and Erowid |