"This is one of the keys to the story of Parsifal, the pure fool
who abolishes the delusion of the magician Klingsor and his castle, and
heals Amfortas' wound. But what does it mean?
I don't know what this means. However, I know that in our case, the
pure fool, Horselover Fat, himself had the wound which would not heal, and
the pain that goes with it. All right; the wound is caused by the spear
which pierced the Savior's side , and only that same spear can heal it.
In the opera, after Amfortas is healed, the shrine is at last opened (it
has been closed for a long time) and the Grail itself is revealed at which
point heavenly voices say:
"Erlosung dem Erloser!"
Which is very strange, because it means:
"The Redeemer redeemed!"
In other words, Christ has saved himself. There's a technical term for this:
Salvator salvandas. The "saved savior."
"The fact that in the discharge of his task the eternal messenger must
himself assume the lot of incarnation and cosmic exile, and the further
fact that, at least in the Iranian variety of the myth, he is in a sense
identical with those he calls--t he once lost parts of the divine self gives
rise to the moving idea of the 'saved savior' (salvator salvandas).
"My Source is reputable. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Macmillan
Publishing Company, New York, 1967; in the article on "Gnosticism."
I am trying to see how this applies to Fat. What is this "pity's highest
power"? In what way does pity have the powe r to heal a wound? Would
this, then, make Horselover Fat the Savior himself, the savior saved? That
seems to be the idea which Wagner expresses. The savior idea is Genostic
in origin. How did it get into Parsifal?
"Maybe Fat was searching for himself when he set out in search of the
Savior. To heal the wound made by first the death of Gloria and then the
death of Sherri. But what in our modern world is the analog for Klingsor's
huge stone castle?
"That which Fat calls the Empire? The Black Iron Prison?
"Is the Empire "which never ended" an illusion?
"The words which Parsifal speaks which cause the huge stone castle--and
Klingsor himself --to disappear are: "Mit diesem Zeichen bann' Ich
deinen Zauber."
"With this sign I abolish your magic."
The sign of course, is the sign of the Cross. Fat's Savior is Fat himself,
as I already figured out; Zebra is all the selves along the linear time-axis,
laminated into one supra- or trans-temporal self which cannot die, and which
has come back to sa ve Fat. But I don't dare tell Fat that he is searching
for himself. He is not ready to entertain such a notion, because like the
rest of us he seeks an external savior.'
What is almost overlooked here is that if the healing sacrament of the ancient
Gnostics is found--i.e., when the shrine is at last opened after 2,000 years--the
living blood of the Savior tranforms any cup it touches, and instantly:
the Grail is revealed. This particular passage went into the workbook because
the verse of Parsifal Dick says he doesn't understand really encapsulates
the central features of Nico's experience, including a line Nico felt w
as so important he repeated it four times on the original raw tape:
"If you are resisting suffering, you suffer more.
If you are trying to deny your confusion, you remain confused.
If you are striving for Peace, you find yourself constantly disturbed."
Conversely, the Nico tape perfectly explains the verse of Parsifal which
Dick says he doesn't understand. Suffering is "blessed" which
frees you from suffering--as in getting you through the withdrawal instead
of prolonging it with more hero in. It is also "pity's highest power"
(the only meaningful pity)--to free all whose sides have been pierced (until
no veins are left) by means of a healing alkaloid. One addict treated at
the same time as Carol Baker had the kind of cocaine psychosis w here he
thought bugs were under his skin; he'd at picked his face until it was covered
with cold sores and zits. In 48 hours it healed. Ibogaine turns out to be
the left half of a Kaposi's Sarcoma drug called Vinblastine (dimeric Ibogaine,
fro m the Madagas-car periwinkle), and the common component of another KS
drug called Vincristine. It's far less toxic than either one. Contoreggi
has submited a protocol to study it as an anti-viral; he's writing another
for KS. (Rats pre-treated with I bogaine recovered from electro-shock twice
as fast as untreated rats.)
According to Dick, healing that seems miraculous is a dead giveaway (along
with raising the dead, i.e., the living dead of addiction), but Nico's experience
also clears up the other thing Dick can't figure out--what "Purest
knowledge's might" is:
"Do you know, now?"
"Yes I know, now."
"So you know; Act like it!"
During the Ibogaine rupture into the dreamtime, the serotonergic pathways
react to the 'splitting of the skull'--the shock of the opening up of the
cholinergic pathways--by creating the brain's own "windows" program:
the movie screen many people desc ribe as opening up on the ceiling or wall,
for the visions. It is Nico's "rectangle that opens up," so the
Supreme Being can speak to him out of a blue sky. This rectangle is a characteristic
"signature" of chaos, one of the higher patterns that emerge s
in chaotic phenomena from galactic spirals to conch shells.
It is Parmenides' "perfect" rectangle. The Greeks used it to build
the Parthe-non; we use it in playing cards. Its dimensions are always 3
by 5--Fibonacci's con-stant. It's all through the VALIS trilogy, as the
"doorway to the Other Realm." To matc h up the transcript of Nico's
meeting with God to Dick's observations on Fibonacci's doorway, side by
side for easy reference, in such a way that both verses about suffering
also come out next to each other, there was no other place to stick Hoover's
Bla ck Messiah memo in the Ibogaine workbook but in between them --across
from the Book of Daniel verse about the grim king.
The coincidence of those 3 sets of pages forming a hexagram like that, on
the first time, it's a billion-in-one. On December 23, 1992, Howard Lotsof
and Dana Beal watched from the court room audience as Judge Bruce Allen
vacated the life sentence of Dhoruba Bin Wahad for a second time. He found
that FBI and Red Squad misconduct was so egregious that it met the test--it
had materially influenced the outcome of Dhoruba's trial two decades ago.
It was so bad it met thetest, even under the n ew, more restrictive rules.
Now the Prosecution would have to do a new trial, with no witnesses, evidence
that might be mislaid, years after-wards...the vendetta would become too
obvious. And against a regular guest on Phil Donohue. You're talking inter
national human rights there, buddy.
But what about the other part of the prediction? ("...not by human
hands.." ) To clear the deck, in other words, and let Ibogaine do its
The other really important thing that happened in 1992 was that a significant
body of scientific evidence coalesced for Ibogaine's efficacy with cocaine
in animals. At the June Keystone session of the Conference on Problems of
Drug Dependency, M.R. D ziljic presented data showing that Ibogaine diminished
cocaine self-administration in rats 90 percent. (On everything else, they
injected til they died.) Henry Sershen from the Nathan Kline Institute of
Orangeburg, New York, confirmed a reduction of coc aine-induced dopaminergic
and locomotor activity with Ibogaine. And Patricia Broderick published a
new abstract on further interactions between Ibogaine and cocaine. A scientific
consensus was beginning to gather behind Ibogaine's efficacy with cocaine,
as it had the year before with morphine. It was bad news from bureaucrats
holding out for a cocaine blocker.
There is no currently no known pharmaco-treatment for cocaine. All the maintenance
drugs turned out to be cocaine analogs. And the problem with trying to find
a cocaine blocker, a la naltrexone, is that a dopamine transporter is not
like an opiate r eceptor--you can't "occupy" it without inhibiting
DA re-uptake, like cocaine itself, which is why all the "blocker"
analogs they've looked at so far have cocaine-like effects. Meanwhile, none
of it is effective at stopping cocaine--instead the user is now on two drugs.
So the prediction that AIDS would force the system to adopt the Ibogaine
procedure because there's no alternative turns out to be true as far as
cocaine is involved.
Dhoruba Bin Wahad went out on a limb with the Black community on Ibogaine,
He discussed it on WBAI. But especially after his appearance at the Harlem
Hospital teach-in, he put the Movement on record for an early community-based
trial. He had alrea dy worked through the political implications, and he
had always found the people involved to be reliable.
Meanwhile Rommell Washington moved, from Harlem hospital at 135th St. to
Reality House at 125th, where Mark Lamontia (one of the same junkie cohort
as Fred) was staying in the program only by telling them he was about to
go over to Holland to do thi s experimental drug treatment. Mark, who was
on 35 mg. of methadone daily, was in imminent danger of being ejected from
Reality House because he was never able to keep his urines free of cocaine
or heroin for longer than a week.
Back in 1980, when Howard and Norma did the Halloween Smoke-in, the one
that marched on the SOHO WEEKLY NEWS to demonstrate against Heroin Chic,
Mark Lamontia did the logo for the leaflet--a Halloween jack-o-lantern with
hands, dropping joints. All t hese good protest intentions failed to keep
Mark, Mario and Fred--the whole crew who went to work for Pope Mickey--from
getting strung out on smack in '81 and '82.
Ibogaine was developed to treat that particular crop of kids and now at
last, after 13 years, Mark Lamontia was about to go to Holland, to be a
subject in a January, 1993 international treatment seminar organized by
Sisko, Boaz and Howard. Rom mell Washington signed up to go along to be
part of Mark's treatment team. And he got his old boss, Dr. Clark, head
of Harlem Hospital's Substance Abuse Unit, to go with them.
Dr Clark joined in Mark's treatment in 8 hour shifts with Rommell, Hans-Georg
Behr, Boaz and the Israelis, Sergio Ramirez and Deborah Mash. "What
can you tell us," Mash asked Jan Bastiaans, "about how it really
works? How many treatments h ave you done?"
Mash was tracking all the treatments on remote video, sending samples of
Mark's piss on dry ice to the University of Miami by federal express.
"Only 10 treatments. But you're missing the important thing. It works."
And that was the newsflash that Clark took back to Harlem, to the entire
Black treatment community--that Ibogaine works, that Mark had come off of
35 mg of methadone in 3 days, with an uncanny absence of withdrawal. (Another
subject came off a whopping 125 mgs.!) Fortyfive days later Dr Clark did
a complete physical examination of Mark, who was like a new man (of course).
Mark's has been the first really rigorous followup: weekly urines, the very
thing NIDA MDD has been demanding. You have no idea of what it means to
treatment professionals to be able to give a patient something that works.
An informational shock wave is sweeping through Harlem, as the word is confirmed
by people they respect: It works. It really works.
Shockwaves are ruptures, flashing across the landscape of things-as-usual.
In the high energy state within the wave, different mathematics apply; structure
that was latent is manifested along the rupture. Take slime mold--it has
an interesting chara cteristic. Ordinarily it's a little individual amoeba,
but take away its food, and it signals to all the other amoebas, and they
start to cluster in wave patterns and form one differentiated animal. The
front is a head, the back, a stalk, the body become s spores covered with
hard cases. The cases break away, open up--and out come amoebas. Your ancestors
are like that. They exist hologramatically on the147
cellular level, in all the non-nucleated genetic material of all humans.
The non-nucleated material generates a great weak electro-magnetic aura
Philip Dick callsValis.
Holograms are funny; if you break a hologramic plate, the entire hologram-atic
image is in every fragment. That's because it's made without lenses, by
the direct action of split lasers on a negative. Everything is enfolded
in a photographic print that requires the same split laser setup to project
a 3-dimensional image. There is no difference between image and object.
There is no space, no time, no matter and no mind. Our process of memory
seems to work along the same lines, locating the correct m emory in the
"print" with the neuro-electric equivalent of the "reference
beam" used to read a hologramic print.
V.A.L.I.S. stands for Vast Active Living Intelligence System. It knows only
hologramatically, therefore it perceives the universe as a hologram. It
knows everything known to every person, but only in memory. For us to communicate
with it is a probl em. Direct communication with creatures via modulation
of bio-electric phenomena in the area puts such a load on any nervous system
in the neighborhood that it can cause permanent damage. But in the dreamtime,
when you have direct access to information stored in your cells, Valis can
communicate digitally, via perturbation of non-nucleated genetic material.
It can generate the equivalent of a laser reference beam to project a Fibonacci
"doorway:" and if the throes of your NDE reflex generate the same
chaotic 'attractor' shape, and the two lock together, you have a match,
and Nico meets God.
Therefore, VALIS does not rule, but influences outcomes via sychronicity,
maximized through free will taking advantage of coincidence. The only thing
that can destroy it is for humanity to completely destroy itself. For the
first time in history, h owever, that could happen at any moment. In his
notes, in a later paragraph of entry 47, on TWO SOURCE COSMOGONY, Philip
Dick writes:
It was the One's purpose for our hologramatic universe to serve as a teaching
instrument by which a variety of new lives advanced until ultimately they
would be isomorphic with the One. However, the decaying condition of hyperuniverse
II introdu ced malfactors which damaged our hologramatic universe. This
is the origin of entropy, undeserved suffering, chaos and death, as well
as the Empire, the Black Iron Prison; in essence, the aborting of the proper
health and growth of the life forms withi n the hologramatic universe. Also,
the teaching function was grossly impaired, since only the signal from the
hyperuniverse I was information-rich; that from II had become noise. The
psyche of hyperuniverse I sent a micro-form of itself into hyperuni verse
II to attempt to heal it..."
By means of a plant called the tree of life, containing an alkaloid that
unlocks the NDE reflex, a multi-ordinal feedback loop is established at
the intersection of the
chaos of the dreamtime and the chaos of society. The Grail, the Blood, the
Burning Bush are one: in Bwiti. As the Ibogaine wave flashes across society,
strangesynchronicities play across the wavefront. Initiates gain augmented
perception of time. Th ere are glimpses of a ghostly order emerging that
attracts the chaos to it, like a tornado.
The little guys in the secret early grey robes have attached a special phase
generator to the FDA/NIDA info-input of the Black Iron Prison. Since the
entire Prison is a Chaos-generated projection, the little guys are pulsing
a strange attractor into t he input--a chaotic shape that exactly cancels
out the chaotic phase-signature of the Prison. The shape: the perfect rectangle
of Parminides. The impulse has reached the nucleus of the prison, and it
is beginning to replicate hundreds and thousands of Bw iti among the prison
inmates, which will burst the cells of the Prison, causing massive cell-death
and breakdown of the malignant occupying organism in its entirety.
To the regular Christians such as those who go to Church on Sunday, the
little guys have issued the Ibogaine Challenge:
"Bring us, O Cardinal, three junkies.
Give them the wine and the wafer,
And sit with them for forty-eight hours.
We will bring three junkies also,
Give them Ibogaine,
And sit with them for forty-eight hours.
At the end of the time,
You have breakfast with your junkies.
We'll have breakfast with ours."