Klassifikationen von Drogenabhaengigkeit und -missbrauch

Um Computern die Verarbeitung und Speicherung von personenspezifischen Daten zu erleichtern wurden verschiedene Systeme der Nummerierung von Krankheiten und Konsumformen erfunden. Anbei eine kleine Uebersicht zur Uebersetzung von Diagnosen:

ICD-9 (9th Revision, WHO 1979)

TypLeitdroge/weitere Vertreter
MorphineHeroin, Opium, Morphin, Codein, Hydromorphin, Hydrocodon, Oxycodon, Pethidin, Methadon, Etonitazen, Fentanyl, Phenazocin
Barbiturat/AlkoholEthanol, Barbiturate, barbituratfreie Hypnotika
Analgetika/TranquilizerPhenacetin, Benzodiazepine, Salizylate
SchnueffelstoffeVerduenner, Loesungsmittel, Klebstoffe, Benzin, Fluessiggase
CannabisDelta9-THC, Cannabis-Kraut, -Harz, -Konzentrat, synthetische THC-Derivate
CocainCocain-Hydrochlorid, Crack/Basuco/Bazooka/free base, Coca-Blaetter, Coca-Paste
AmphetamineMethamphetamin (Speed/Glass), Amphetamin, Amphetaminil, Methylphenidat, Morazon, Appetitzuegler
HalluzinogeneLSD, Meskalin, Psilocybin, DMT, DOM/STP, DOB, MMDA, MDA, u.a. subst. Amphetamine
KhatKhat-Blaetter und -Zweige, Appetitzuegler auf Basis Cathin
Opiat-AntagonistenNalorphin, Cyprenorphin, Pentazocin, excl. Naloxon

Diese Tabelle wurde dem Werk von Katzung: "Drogen in Stichworten. Daten, Begriffe, Substanzen." aus dem ecomed-Verlag entnommen. (#53/27)

ICD-10 (10 Revision, WHO 1989)

Diagnose-Codes/Abhaengigkeitstypen (F-Nomenklatur):

F 10.xAlkohol
F 11.xOpioide (natuerliche, halb- und vollsynthetische incl. Antagonisten)
F 12.x.Cannabinoide
F 13.xSedativa oder Hypnotika
F 14.xCocain
F 15.xandere Stimulantien incl. Coffein
F 16.xHalluzinogene
F 17.xTabak (Nikotin)
F 18.xfluechtige (narkotische) Loesungsmittel (=Schnueffelstoffe)
F 19.xPolytoxikomanie und nicht identifizierbare Substanzen

Der x-Code dient der klinischen Spezifierung:

x= .0akute Intoxikation (Rauschzustand)
.1schaedlicher Gebrauch (Missbrauch mit gefaehrlichen Folgen)
.4Entzugssyndrom mit Delir
.5psychotische Stoerung
.6alkohol- oder drogeninduziertes Amnesiesyndrom
.7alkohol- oder drogeninduziertes Spaetauftreten psychotischer Stoerungen
.8andere durch Alkohol oder Drogen induzierte Geistes- oder Verhaltensstoerungen
.9unspezifische durch Alkohol oder Drogen induzierte Geistes- oder Verhaltensstoerungen

Diese Uebersicht wurde dem Werk von Katzung: "Drogen in Stichworten. Daten, Begriffe, Substanzen" aus dem ecomed-Verlag entnommen. (#53/31ff.)

DSM-III-R (revidierte Fassung des DSM-III von 1980, APA 1987)

Alcohol-related disorders


305.00 Abuse
303.90 Dependence
291.8 -Induced anxiety disorder
291.8 -Induced mood disorder
291.1 -Induced persisting amnestic disorder
291.2 -Induced persisting dementia
291.5 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
291.3 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
291.8 -Induced sexual dysfunction
291.8 -Induced sleep disorder
303.00 Intoxication
291.0 Intoxication delirium
291.9 -Related disorder NOS
291.8 Withdrawal
291.0 Withdrawal delirium

Amphetamine (or amphetamine-like) related disorders

Amphetamine (or amphetamine-like)

305.70 Abuse
304.40 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
292.0 Withdrawal

Caffeine-related disorders


292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
305.90 Intoxication
292.9 -Related disorder NOS

Cannabis-related disorders


305.20 Abuse
304.30 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS

Cocaine-related disorders


305.60 Abuse
304.20 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
292.0 Withdrawal

Hallucinogen-related disorders


305.30 Abuse
304.50 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.89 -persisting perception disorder
292.9 -Related disorder NOS

Inhalant-related disorders


305.90 Abuse
304.60 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.82 -Induced persisting dementia
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS

Nicotine-related disorders


305.1 Dependence
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
292.0 Withdrawal

Opioid-related disorders


305.50 Abuse
304.00 Dependence
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
292.0 Withdrawal

Phencyclidine (or phencyclidine-like) related disorders

Phencyclidine (or phencyclidine-like)

305.90 Abuse
304.90 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS

Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorders

Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic

305.40 Abuse
304.10 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.83 -Induced persisting amnestic disorder
292.82 -Induced persisting dementia
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
292.0 Withdrawal
292.81 Withdrawal delirium

Polysubstance-related disorder

304.80 Polysubstance dependence

Other (or unknown) substance-related disorder

Other (or unknown) substance

305.90 Abuse
304.90 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.81 -Induced delirium
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.83 -Induced persisting amnestic disorder
292.82 -Induced persisting dementia
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
292.89 Intoxication
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
292.0 Withdrawal