Kontrovers sind derzeit (Juli 04) - zumindest auf Platte - eine der besten Kapellen, die den typischen, schwedischen HC/Crust spielen. Dieses Interview hab ich Anfang Juni weggeschickt. Hat also fast zwei Monate gedauert. Naja, bekanntlich ist's ja nie zu spät und so erfreut euch an dem, was Mattias (Gitarre & Geschrei) zu meinen Fragen zu sagen hat. Natürlich bin ich nicht Willens, die Fragen in's Deutsche zu übersetzen...

Whose intention was it to start Kontrovers? When and how did you meet together!?

From my view, the story so far is: Me (Mattias) and Simon have been hanging out, skating and doing punky stuff since we were 12. We played in some bands and decided to start a new war/käng/dis-clone band, 1996 sometime. Zigge was an old friend and he wanted to join. At the place where we rehearsed with other bands, we found this little 13-14 years old guy, Jonas. He was a really great drummer already then, and he really wanted to join. We were between 20-22 years, and this little cute punk was only about 14 years old. Disgorge was our first name, me, Simon, Jonas & Zigge played one show at that name. Late '96 we recorded a democassete with help from Rodrigo. Zigge quit the band, and Stefan joined as a vocalist, followed by Fredrik who joined as a second guitarist. Both Fredrik and Stefan were old friends of us, and they both played in other bands in the area. Uptil 2001 we released two 7"es. Stefan moved to Barcelona, and we asked our friend Carin to act as a stand in singer. Carin joined the band later on, and since then we have released 2 albums and one 7". In 2003 Jonas decided to leave the band, and was replaced by our friend Rodrigo. So today we are 6 persons in the band, and we are rehearsing and have started to make some new songs.

How did you get involved into the punk scene? What style of punk rock did you want to play in the beginning? Have you always been into the DIY/Anarchopunk/Crust thing?

I got my punk influences from the skateboarding scene in the late '80ies. I read Thrasher Magazine, and watched old skateboard movies. The music in the movies and all punkshirts, skulls, studs and so on, from the magazines really excited me. In the beginning i grasped for every bit of punk in everything. I couldn't really differ some metal from punk and vice versa. But it didn't matter, the main subject was to be different from the other kids in the neighbourhood. In the beginning it was loads of Stooges, Svart Snö, Ebba Grön & Asta Kask. Suddenly I became aware of the whole skatescene, and I started to listen to bands as Nofx, Bad Religion, Lagwagon and also older US Hardcore as Black Flag, Husker Dü, Misfits and so on. As the music changed during the years, the bands we played changed in style. When I became aware of Discharge and the Käng/Crust scene I really loved the music, and of course I soon found that this was "real" Punk Rock, the whole DIY-spirit, spikes, studs and love. I realized that Punk was not something you could find on MTV.

What inspired you most to form Kontrovers and which bands had the most influence on your sound and lyrics?

At that time I was very into Totalitär & Discharge. But I really believe that Kontrovers have to thank the band Snifter. Snifter are some friends, and they are from the same town as we are. I truly believe that Snifter was the reason for us to form Kontrovers. Back then Snifter was plain old standard D-beat-War-Crust, and that was exactly what we wanted to play with Kontrovers too. Our first actual name was even something that started with Dis...!

Are there any other bands or projects besides Kontrovers in which members are involved?

There are always bands starting up and fading away, right now some of the members in Kontrovers are active in bands such as: Skitkids, Satanic Surfers, Rektumraiders, Intensity & Dixnöf;

How many shows have you already played with Kontrovers? Did you travel a lot through Europe? Have you ever played in Asia or in the United States? If not, are there plans to play there?

Hmm... Let's try to count them... Really not so many, something around 50 shows. No, we haven't got to play outside Europe. We really want to, but 6 people in the band is too fucking hard. Hopefully we will get our asses to some other continent someday. No plans as it is today.

Where and when did you play the best gig so far? Why do you think was it your best gig?

Shit. I have no idea. We did a gig a month ago. It was the first gig with our new drummer, and our first gig for over 1 year, it felt really good, so I say that one. Malmö, Sweden 23/06/2004. We did a gig in Leipzig in 2001 I think, really great gig too.

In Sweden there are a lot of bands who are doing the Hardcore Punk/Crust sound. For example, Austria has nearly the same number of inhabitants but in "our" nation (i hate this word & its meaning, grrr!) there are just 10-15 bands... And in Sweden it seems to start a new Anarchopunk/Crust band every month. Have you any idea why?

No not really, I have been to Austria a couple of times. I have been there a couple of years ago to snowboard, and i really liked the whole "Hütte, Glühwein, snow & Yodel-stuff". But when you mention it, I have hardly seen any punks in Austria, except for skatepunks. I have no idea why it is like this. Well I have read that most punks come from white, middle class families. And we have loads of these in sweden. Hehe...

Do you think that sexism in today's punk scene is a problem? What should we do that the male punks are more aware of this theme and that we can better speak about and with women who are oppressed every day to change it? How do you think should we react when there is a sexist statement or "joke" in our "punk environment"?

I think that sexism is just as clearly in the punk scene as it is in the rest of the community. It is not acceptable anywhere, but what we must try to do, is to talk, and really talk, to get people to understand. The problem is not that people don't care always, sometimes it is just ignorance, and what people don't know, or have reflected over, they cannot be aware of. The worst thing to do, in my opinion, is to become some kind of scene-police. People need some time to make up their minds, analyze and to become aware. It will take some time, but it is worth it.

Do you think that the ever lasting "anti-war" and generally: the typical "Crust" lyrics are superfluous!? Is there a lack of innovation in lyrics and are the themes too constricted?

Haha, actually, I really love to listen to plain old, War-Crust. Of course, I am not so impressed with the lyrics, but it is fucking Punk Rock. Punk is often cliches, and I find that really charming sometimes. But if you have a band, you have something to say and if you can write lyrics - then I think you should use that tool, and get people to listen, read and understand. It is like books, when i get tired of to "heavy" books, and I just want to disconnect my brain from my body, I often read Donald Duck or mailorder catalogues. Hehe...

What do you think about the Israel/Palestine conflict? Is the palestinian side really the "good" side which anyone should support? What do you think about the HAMAS and other fundamentalists? Is there a "good" side at all?

War is always bad (except for crust lyrics), and the Israel/Palestine conflict is just as bad. It makes it only worse when the US-governmant takes their bloody hands in the war to. Fuck it all. Give the palestines their freedom back. Land & land, fuck that, it is just grass & soil. If it would be as easy as it sounds I would kindly ask them, to just stop the fucking war, and go on with their life. Good side? In war? No, they are killing each other... Fuck that! Maybe I am a bit of a hippie, but I cannot ever find it acceptable, especially not when it is in the name of either RELIGION or MONEY/GOD or USA...

Is anyone of Kontrovers involved in any political actions? If yes, which ones and what do they do? Do you support any organisations as "Food Not Bombs" or "Anarchist Black Cross"? Do you join any demonstrations?

Some of us are active in the "Food Not Bombs" in Malmö, we all go to demonstrations, some of us often, other occasionally. I don't know if anyone is active in "ABC" anymore, but I think so. We are all interested in politics, and i believe we all make everyday actions to political actions.

The song "Din Huvudvärk?" seem to deal with a problem in school or something like that? Who wrote it? Is it a personal experience of a bandmember?

I wrote the song. As I told you earlier, when I got into the punk movement, it was mainly just to be different. I wanted to be different in my own way, class mates found me already different, but not in a positive way. I wanted to choose to be "not like everynoe else". It is hard to describe, but the easiest way to get around, when people are laughing at you, often feels like just being quit, swallow the shit and ignore it all. To become different, to say "Fuck you!", and just to skate made me get pass those years.

Refering to your song "Bojkott": Which multis do you boycot? Have you ever anyone convinced not to buy from a multi or other big shitty enterprises?

Personally, I didn't support the companys, I know they are really bad - McDonald's, Shell, C.C. and so on... There is always a choice, especially in the grocery store. You always have the choice between product A and B. Then it is easy to choose the least evil shit...

The "När Spelreglema Ändras" album got fuckin' good reviews! Most zines spoke about the "album of the year (2003)" and so on... When did you write the songs and who does the stuff? Who writes the lyrics, the guitar & bass lines, etc.? Is anyone as much involved in Kontrovers as any other member?

Album of the year? Really? Sounds cool, nice to hear, it makes me really happy. On the latest record, I think Simon made lots of songs too. Often the way it is: Someone shows the others a new song, we discuss the riffs, and we play it, if anyone wants to add something (solos, lines and so on), we just try it out, 'til it sounds cool. The lyrics are often something that comes a few weeks (or days) before we are about to record the songs. We are 6 poeple in the band, and each one of us is exactly 1/6 of Kontrovers as a band.

Will we see Kontrovers signing to a (big) independent label like From Ashes Rise who signed to Jade Tree last year? What do you think about such "deals"?

No I don't think so. If FAR are satisfied, then it is up to them. In my opinion, the underground scene need to be underground... Deals are cool if everyone in the deal is satisfied, and no one gets tricked. But in my opinion, undergound is for the undergound.

Have you already written new sonx? Have you any new releases planned?

Yes, we have some new songs. But we have no plans, I think we just want to take it as it comes. "No one knows but Jesus."

And for last, have you a fixed setlist which you play on your shows? Which songs do you play for sure when you are on stage?

No, we don't have a fixed setlist, but ever since we started Kontrovers, we have played one song on every gig, and it is our very first song in Kontrovers. The first song we wrote in the band, the song is called "Homophobe Bastard". As I said, we have played it on every gig, the day we forget to do it, I think the band is over and out. Hehe... When we play live, we often play "Din Huvudvärk" & "Löneslaveri" too.

Unfortunately I never had the chance to see you live but I hope you will tour Europe in the near future! Are there any plans?

Yes, some loose plans, about this autumn, but we don't know anything, because we are to many people in the band, so it is really hard to do something, and to get 6 people to have spare time at the same time... Truly hard.

That's it for now. Please write what you want and I hope you will keep up the good work and keep fighting the fucking evil!

Thanx a lot for the interview, sorry about my really bad English. Skate and destroy!