Eigentlich wären die Fragen hier für Eric gewesen, der schon von Beginn an bei WB spielt, aber irgendwie wurde daraus nix. Also sendete ich das Ganze an Dadde, den Drummer, der seit 2002 dabei ist und mir schnurstraks die Antworten zusandt. Auch hier gilt: Keine deutsche Übersetzung! *Faulheit*

It's the fucking first question and I don't want to ask the standards... So let's begin with a political event: The soldier who got first in contact with Saddam Hussein meant: "Greetings from Mr. Bush!" It's simply ridiculous (but who knows if this isn't another fairy tale of the braindead army fucks?). If you caught Saddam, what would you do with him? Be creative! Hehe.

Wow... Though question. I have a hard time imagening myself as a soldier... I would probably be pretty curious about that hole in the ground he was living in and asking a bunch of questions like "How did you do when you had to take a shit?", and I would pinch his chins to see if it really was him. Hmm. I feel boring, I don't have a good answer to this question.

Why did Frank (old drummer) quit the band after the "Progression/Regression" release?

Having a daughter and loosing the intrest for touring were the main reasons. And he was never really much into the lifestyle of punk, more the music. But there are no hard feelings between him or me, or the band and him. I borrow his drumkit when we rehearse in Mariestad and so on.

You are playing in three more bands (To What End?, Sunday Morning Einsteins, Sju Svara Ar) - how is it to play in three other bands? Are there any problems with organization? Have you got enough time for Wolfbrigade? Is there a band on which you focus mostly?

Now I'm "only" in To What End? and Imperial Leather. I quit the other two bands a couple of months ago. I started to feel bored with playing bass in SME and Sju Svara Ar never did anything. So far there haven't been any problems with organization. When we are doing something with for example Wolfbrigade, I try to focus 100% on that band, and the other way around. Oh, me and Jocke is playing guitars in a so far un-named band together with Kelly (Severed Head Of State, Detestation etc.), 138 (DS-13, Bruce Banner) and Andy (Victims). We are only doing stuff when Kelly is here, so that doesn't take much time either.

Why did Jonsson leave after "Lycanthro Punk"?

Jonsson had issues and problems with alcohol and drugs. This ended up in cancelled gigs, not singing when we should, threatening the audience, the band, and basiclly everyone around him. He still have problems with alcohol (I don't know about the drugs), and that's why he's not in a band now. When you are a alcoholic your world revolve around it, so it's pretty hard to keep a band and all the responsibillity that comes with it. We meet him on a Asta Kask show in our hometown some time ago, and it was pretty nice, no hard feelings anymore. The whole Wolfbrigade/pack family around one table, incl. Jonsson and Frank.

I am just listening to your new album "In Darkness You Feel No Regrets" via mp3 player and it's fucking great. In the USA it's already released on Feral Ward. Why did you release it in the USA first and in Europe much later? I don't think there are/were no good offers from cool record labels? Did you press it in the United States?

The reason for it to be released so much later in europe is the problem with labels. Now finally Destructure from france will take care of this, and I think it's great. So it wasn't our fault. Yeah, it was pressed in the US.

I got all the songs of the new album on PC, but I will buy the new album anyway. But there are guys and girls who don't buy any album. They have all the stuff on their PC. How do you feel about free mp3 trading and downloading via WWW? (I hate it, I need the booklet!!!)

Me myself think it's cool that you nowadays are able to download stuff, but I only do it with stuff I don't intend to buy (mainstream, pop-rock-metal stuff) or to have a listen, to later buy the album if I enjoy it. Of course you want people to buy the album instead of just downloading it, for me it's a question of the whole impact an album has. Not just the music, but the artwork as well. I guess I'm pretty open-minded about this issue though. We're not fucking Metallica.

I was amazed by the "Progression/Regression" Full-Length and the new one is as incredible. I'm glad Wolfbrigade have gone back on the "P/R" to the "rockier" style of Crust. I love the melodies of the second guitar. And every song itself is an absolutely stone-breaking bolt, hehe. It's sure, that for everyone in the band the new material on "In Darkness..." has to be the best to date to release it. Have you anything to complain about "In Darkness..."? Is there anything you want to do better on your next album?

The production is better than on "P/R", but I'm not fully satisfied this time around either. I would like to do the next album in Soundlab or for the band to return to studio Fredman, for the real "wall of bricks" sound. I think the songs will be even more straight forward hardcore punk in the future though. Of course still with some trademark wolf melodies, but harder. The songs (3 songs) we've written so far sound more like this.

What's your favourite track of the eleven new ones? Ok, exactly there are only nine new tracks. "Say Goodbye" is a Poison Idea Cover and "Outlaw Vagabond" is a old track off the debut release (Bloodstained Dreams MCD) which is also included on the debut Full-Length. But it's new recorded, am I right? Why?

Yeah, yeah you are right. Well, not 100% since "Gunhead Battalion" is an old Jonssontrack as well. We wanted to update them with Micke. It's as simple as that. In the future we will concentrate more on the Micke era in live sets than on Jonsson so we wanted to re-record some stuff.

Who is responsible for the lyrics and the music? What inspires the band to write some new stuff?

So far Jocke have done most of the music, Marcus did most of the lyrics up till Allday Hell when Micke took over some of the lyric writing. Lyricwise it's our fucked up world, our fucked up lifes. What a cliché answer, huh? Musicwise it's everything from Elvis to Grindcore.

Let's go back in time: Personally I think "Allday Hell" was kind of boring and there's a lack of variety. Did Wolfbrigade want to try some new stuff on "Allday Hell"? How were the responses on that release?

Yeah, we want to do some more straight forward Allday Hell stuff. I can agree on some extent that the whole album in one listening is a bit boring, but there are some tracks on that album which are absolutely crushing! "Power And Greed", "No Good Deeds", "No Future", "10 And Out", "No Neo Bastards" etc. I know a lot of people that hold this as our best album. Of course many people had opinions about Jonsson being replaced. I think Micke sings better than ever and have now jumped up on the list as Sweden's nr. 1 hardcore singer.

POLITICS! How's the social situation in sweden? Are there many people without work? Are the working conditions okay in general? Do you have a job?

There are a large number of unemployed here in sweden, or with work with lousy conditions/pay. I'm sicklisted right now for depression and to be completely honest I don't feel that tempted to start working again for a lousy pay and for an even lousier company. I think that one of the biggest probelms we have here in sweden is the amount of homeless people. It really breaks my heart everytime I think of the people living on the streets, that probably will die there as well.

Austria is in the European Union since 1995 - same with Sweden. The politicians are discussing the introduction of the european currency - the Euro. A female pro-Euro politician was killed this year. How's the atmosphere about the new currency in general? I am not up to date right now. So will there be a introduction of the european currency in near future?

The day after Anna Lindh was killed we had the vote about the euro introduction. And since she was pro-euro many of us thought that people would vote for it. Lucky enough the swedish population had the brains to vote against it. So, we still have our swedish crowns. Good enough.

What is it about the nazi organization called "Wolfpack"? What do/did they do? Remember any actions? Are there a lot of nazi fucks in Sweden?

It's some kind of motorcycle gang with questionable political ideas. There are some extreme right wing groups in sweden, and some time ago they beat up a friend of mine, Josefin of Sju Svara Ar/Burning Kitchen. She was tearing down some of their posters when a car stopped on the street and 5 or so boneheads started to beat her up. This was during night time. We are trying our best to keep them from the streets, but unfortunable they are doing the same to us.

Is someone in Wolfbrigade involved in any political groups? If yes, please explain.

Not really. I was involved with AFA (Anti-Fascist Action) a couple of years ago but that's about it.

Back to your band: When will you tour Europe in promotion of your new album? Are there any dates or plans for Germany, Austria or Switzerland?

Probably not until after our US tour. Marcus have a kid, and we can't take so much time off from work. It's a shame we can't tour more.

Even tough you are the "new guy", can you tell me what was the best gig so far? (Where, when and why?)

I think Villa Friekens, Amsterdam Oct 02 was the best gig so far. Köpi on a close second, the other Berlin gig on third (don't remember the name of the place), Plastic Bomb festival on fourth, Puntala Rock festival on number 5. We have done so far a lot of fucking cool shows.

Album of the year (2003)?

Tragedy - Vengeance.

Last things: Any greetings? Commentaries? Complaints about the questions? New stuff of which we should be excited about? Thank you!

We are recording for a seven inch pretty soon, that will be out in time for our US tour in may. I'm pretty excited about this! Thank you!!!